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Etiology of oral candidiasis:

Etiology of oral candidiasis:

1.  Candida albicans

2.  Taking a course of antibiotics over long period or at a high dose.

3.  Taking inhaled corticosteroid medication

4.  Wearing false teeth

5.  Failed immune system

6.  Diabetes

7.  HIv and AIDS

8.  Birth control pills

9.  Smoking

10.                   Others virus and bacteria


Clinical features of oral candidiasis.

1.  Creamy white lesion in the mouth,tonsil,gums

2.  Redness and soreness

3.  Oral inflammation

4.  Loss of tasty

5.  Difficulty eating

6.  Difficulty speaking

7.  Cracking at the corners of mouth

8.  Bad breathing

9.  Erision of teeth enamel

10.                   Pain /irritability

11.                   Difficulty in chewing

12.                   Slight bleeding if the lesion are rubbed of seraped

Nursing diagnosis: Diagnosis depend on location identifying whether there is an underlying cause

1.  Examine your mouth look at the lesions.

2.  Take a snak scraping of the lesions to examine under a microscope.

3.  Physical examination and certain blood test to detect under laying problem.

4.  Laboratory check up to identify candida.


Nursing intervention of oral candidiasis:

ü At first assurance the patients and assess the patient.

ü Give emotional support.

ü Monitoring vital sign.

ü Taken proper history from the patients.

ü Rinse mouth after use of inhaled steroids.

ü Use small soft toothbrush twice dailyl.

ü Use swabs to clean and moistenoral mucoss when unable to brush .

ü Provide mouth rines.

ü Chlorhexidine

ü Avoid on reduce smoking

ü Treat any local predisposing cause such as xenostomia.

ü Improve oral hygiene

ü Medication administration and proper diet.



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