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Nursing care of children with epilepsy


Nursing care of children with epilepsy

Presented by

Dr. Jannatul Ferdous

Junior consultant (Paediatrics)

250 Bedded General Hospital Pabna

Definition of epilepsy:

â€ĸ      Epilepsy is defined as recurrent  (2 or more) unprovoked seizure occurring 24 hours apart in a child > 1 month of age.

â€ĸ      All epilepsies are seizures, but all seizures are not epilepsies.

â€ĸ      Epilepsy occurs in 0.5-1.0% of the population.

â€ĸ      Epilepsy begins in childhood in 60% of cases.

Classification of epilepsy

A) Generalized seizure:

B) Partial / Focal seizure:         

C) Unclassified


 Classification of epilepsy

A) Generalized seizure:

            a)Tonic-clonic seizure (Grand mal)

            b)Tonic seizure

            c)Clonic seizure

            d)Absence seizure-

                      1)Typical (petit mal)


            e)Atonic seizure (drop attack)

            f)Myoclonic seizure

B) Partial seizure:

 a)Simple partial (consciousness not impaired)

      1)With motor sign-focal motor-Jacksonian march

      2)With somato-sensory or special sensory ex. Visual or auditory hallucination

      3)With autonomic manifestations ex. Flushing of face

      4) With psychic symptoms ( dÊjà vu, dreamy state, fear, anger etc)

      b)Complex partial (consciousness impaired)

C) Unclassified

          Neonatal seizure, infantile spasm


Causes of convulsions associated with fever

1)  Febrile seizure

2)  Acute meningitis

3)  Cerebral malaria

4)  Viral encephalitis

5)  Tubercular  meningitis

6)  Brain abscess



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